Smoke-free stadiums
All Eredivisie and Keuken Kampioen Divisie stadiums have been smoke-free since the 2021/’21 season. The initiators of the Eredivisie and Keuken Kampioen Divisie want to give all supporters the right to watch their favourite club in a smoke-free environment and set a good example for children. We ask all supporters who smoke to bear this in mind.
Football supporters who go to a stadium to enjoy a match include smokers and non-smokers. We ask all smokers not to inflict their smoke on others who have no choice but to breathe it in. Passive smoking is a health hazard. Supporters are assigned specific seats in the stands and cannot choose to sit elsewhere.
The campaign ties in with the Dutch Smoke-Free Generation movement, which wants children to grow up in a smoke-free environment. Smoking is now banned in public buildings and restaurants and has been for some time. At Vitesse, Ajax, PSV and Almere City FC, smoking has also been banned for some time now. The matches of the Dutch national team and other representative teams are also smoke-free, and amateur football has set itself the goal of becoming completely smoke-free by 2024/’25.
Smoke-free means smoke-free throughout: stands, toilets, restaurants, stairs, business areas, suites and skyboxes are all smoke-free. If any supporters do smoke, they will be addressed and asked to extinguish their cigarette. Repeated smoking will, unfortunately, result in sanctions. The only place smoking is allowed is outside the stadium.
More information is available at www.rookvrijestadions.nl, set up by the Eredivisie and the Keuken Kampioen Divisie, in cooperation with all 34 professional football clubs, the Royal Dutch Football Association (KNVB) and the Health Funds for Smoke-free (Gezondheidsfondsen voor Rookvrij) (an initiative of the Dutch Heart Foundation, the Dutch Cancer Society and the Lung Foundation).